2018 Year in Review

2018 has been a whirlwind of a year.

I focused a lot on personal projects this past year, trying to explore and add depth to my imagery.

We celebrated two weddings in the family, summered hard, and tried to be more present in our daily lives.

Of course, probably one of the craziest thins I’ve done this year is co-found Storytellers Photo Conference together with Rowena Meadows.

But most of all, I was privileged to meet many new families, whom I can now call my friends, who trusted me to come into their homes and document their lives. Their love. Their relationships.

I should probably elaborate more about my year, but really I just want to share the slideshow of some of my favorites from this year. I hope you enjoy.

I am eagerly looking forward to 2019 and what it has in store.

If you’ve been contemplating a Day in the Life session, let’s talk about it. I want to hear why you haven’t booked it yet. Tell me what’s holding you back. Make this the year you commit to yourself and your family and get yourself in those beautiful everyday photos. LET’S TALK.