Sweetest Couple at Epcot // Real Life

Last week, on Wednesday, December 6, 2016, I had the amazing opportunity to visit Epcot. I have to say it was an absolutely magical experience. Sitting downat the end of a long day to rest our weary selves, I was discussing with my sister in law how I love just watching people walk by. Seeing their interactions, hearing snippets of their conversations, children melting down after a long day, parents who still have their patience in tact, it's all amazing to observe. 

And then we saw the most amazing scene! I almost have no words to describe it. But all the reactions around us were, "Aww. Look at that couple. Isn't that the sweetest?" And it really is the sweetest scene I've ever seen.

Sweet couple at Epcot sharing a scooter

And now I'm kicking myself because I didn't make contact with this adorable couple, but I would love to find them so I can send them a print of this photo. 

I'm counting on the help of the great wide web to help me locate this couple. Will you please help me and share this with everyone you know?
